Why armchair pontificating about Islam annoys me

Sitting here in “The Bates Motel” in West Wollongong, I conjure up memories of 2005 as an ESL teacher in Sydney. Keeping communication open across the cultures in the school was part of my job description.

The footage on the left of the video is from my then place of work.

The kids were fantastic.

Canberra 1954 — 2

Some more detail from the album I am flipping through in yesterday’s video post.




Back row: my father, my Uncle Neil

Front row: my mother, me, my Aunt Fay, my brother’s girlfriend Toni.


Note Royal Visit decorations.

It didn’t take long to see the sights of Canberra in 1954-5. The city was less than thirty years old at the time.

Just ten years before these were taken my father and uncle were both in the Royal Australian Air Force. My uncle’s war was particularly horrendous.