Back from The Shire

1968-ers, not 1969! Paul Kelly (class of 68 Cronulla High and former Deputy Surveyor General of New South Wales, among other distinctions) collected me at Sutherland Station and took me to this place in Gymea.


The photo is linked.


Joining us were Alan Andrews, from the Maths Department at Cronulla in the 60s and also an ongoing Rugby League person of some note. Two other former students also came – Colin Glendinning, a medical doctor,  and Paul Weirick, a retired engineer.

Paul Kelly brought some interesting photos and he and others also had some great anecdotes, some of them things I had forgotten.

I walked back to Gymea Station afterwards, not having walked through Gymea for over 40 years!


Then changed at Sutherland for Wollongong. It was a rather warm afternoon.

